Thursday, December 3, 2009
There is Always a Reason...
The vet was out at the barn yesterday working on some of the other horses there. Since I hadn't met him before, I wanted to stop by and introduce myself. While we talked, it was apparent that no one could remember whether Kid had ever had his teeth floated so it seem a good idea to have the vet check them. Turns out the vet had never worked on Kid's teeth and further more, he still had his wolf teeth.
We expect this little tooth might have been the cause of the head tossing when I would turn since the bit would put pressure on the tooth. I can't wait to ride again and see how it goes. I love my big baby and don't want him to be in pain.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I Hate My Horse Today

Because it was going to rain today, I got up early and headed for the barn about 7:30. I never have ridden Kid in the morning so it was a new adventure.
We have been working on turning using stirrup pressure first and then neck reining with a light touch first and then as needed, lifting the reins higher to get the desired result. My practice outside of lessons has been more than satisfactory until today. After 15 minutes or so, my ability to turn my horse disappeared - seriously. On top of being depressed already, this new revelation had me in tears. I sat on Kid in the middle of the pasture and cried and cried. At one point, he headed back to the barn and I couldn't turn him around. It actually got dangerous because we were in heavy mud and he was in the barn doorway. I FINALLY got him to head back to the pasture at which time the crying started. Every time I tried to turn him back to the barn, he would toss his head and continue east. After being dragged through tree branches and backing out from between two fences, I got him to go back to the barn. I got off, put his tack up, lead him to the pasture, and left.
I went back after a couple of hours to work on my trailer and to get him measured for a winter blanket. When John was measuring Kid, Kid tried to kick him. Apparently while I was gone another one of the horses threw a big hissy fit about having to stay in her stall with the paddock door closed.
There was a full moon last night and the coyotes were out and howling in full force, from what I hear. I wonder if all the horses were on edge today?
The rain started this afternoon and should continue through tomorrow afternoon - ugh! I will go out tomorrow and spend some with Kid. We will see how grooming goes. Oh, and the vet will be there so I will get to meet him.
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